Friday, August 2, 2019

4 Reasons Why the IT Industry is Perfect for Fresh Graduates

There are a lot of different industries that fresh graduates could apply in. And its totally fine to apply to these companies but will these fresh graduates actually go anywhere with their chosen careers and a particular industry? Depends from one person to another but there’s a high probability that they may not stay long or discover a different industry that they find more comfortable. That being said, there’s one industry that will always have a strong need for fresh graduates and that comes in the form of the IT Industry.

If you go online and look at the different job portals that are available out there, you can see that there’s a myriad of IT jobs for fresh graduates in the Philippines just waiting to be filled up by starry-eyed graduates. The more interesting part here is that its actually crossing over to other aspects and other industries. And unlike a decade ago when things were strictly implied, today’s IT industry offers a lot of sliding room for people. This would mean that they would be able to let things slide as long as specific requirements have been met by the fresh graduate

Here are four reasons why IT jobs for fresh graduates in the Philippines is the way to go. 

There’s a lot of leeway 

Thank goodness for the big changes in the local curriculum to help keep fresh graduates a fighting chance when it comes to employment. What they lack in experience and tenure they can make up for stocked knowledge. That being said, there are a lot of companies who are now interested in getting fresh graduates and add them to the growing number of people working for the IT industry also partly because they have entry level salaries as opposed to experienced people who may command a hefty price.

Its fresh ground for new skills

Even if a fresh grad knows his or her way around a specific program or skill when he or she gets hired, it doesn’t mean that that’s that. Learning is a constant evolution and the IT industry has a lot to dish out on that end. Fresh graduates could join in today with updated skills and find themselves scratching their heads two years down the road because a new technology or a new skill has been revealed. For these employees there are only two things they can do, evolve or stagnate.

It’s a gold mine for future friends

Stepping away from work, we can also cite the IT industry as a place to meet lifelong friends and even a future partner. Go to any office here and even abroad and there’s a high chance that you would meet a married couple who had been workmates previously. There’s also a big chance of meeting (and even joining) a group of lifelong friends. This certainly is a nice thing to think about entering your office on the first day of work.

The Salary is Good

We all work to earn money and if you want to really earn big money before the age of 30, then sticking around the IT industry can be a good idea; especially now that other countries have shown a great fondness for the work the Filipino IT professionals provide as well as the quality of service the local service providers offer from hardware assistance to IT staff augmentation.

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